Do you find it hard to share the Good News with an unbelieving friend?
Here is a GREAT TOOL to help you!
- Take this PDF file – Below, print these 10 pages and staple them together.
- Find a Quiet Spot! Ask Others to Pray for You!
- Sit down with an unbeliever, these pages and a Bible (mark the Bible Verses in advance).
- Read together each page one at a time and take turns reading that page’s scriptures. Take your time to answer questions but avoid chasing rabbit trails. Keep focused!
- On page 6, ask them to write their name on the line provided.
- At page 10, ask them if they understand what the Bible tells us about how to be right with God and what God has done for us?
- Ask them if they would want to surrender their life to Jesus?
- If YES, pray with them! Let them pray in their own words if possible!
- Lastly, if they profess to have surrendered to Jesus, tell them that Jesus’ first command for a New Believer is to be Water Baptized and start their walk with God as part of a Local Church.
Example John 3:16 Diagram Page 10 of 10