Psalm 111:10
Proverbs 1:7
Romans 1:18–20
Romans 2:14–16
Colossians 2:3
As seen repeatedly, secular arguments are simply opinions without authority. The secular worldview hypocritically demands a specific response that’s intolerant of others and out of step with its own professed principles. Since their worldview cannot account for the standard they’re claiming, secularists constantly borrow from the biblical worldview to argue against the Bible. Ironically, their ability to argue at all shows they’re wrong.
Exposing secularism’s inconsistencies, hypocrisy, and arbitrary nature is a potent refutation of that worldview. On the other end of the spectrum, pointing out where we agree with the secularist is equally powerful. Agree with the secularists!? Absolutely! When you drill down past the emotionalism, logical fallacies, and bad argumentation, at the core of his argument the nonbeliever is typically appealing to some biblical principle we wholeheartedly agree with. What we disagree with is the twisting and misapplication of that principle and the fact they’ve highjacked it from the Bible.

But again, if the universe is a cosmic accident with no absolute or eternal purpose, why care about any of these things? The core principles that fuel secular passion are all things Christians approve of because they all come from, and only from, the Bible!
Showing the secularist where we agree and that he has good reason to be passionate for a particular principle is a powerful argument against secularism and for biblical truth. It demonstrates to the nonbeliever that the principle they love does exist
but only because it comes from God. He made it and defines it and it’s only rightly realized within a biblical framework. Their worldview has no rational basis for the value they adore.
The unbeliever’s awareness of a truth, misapplied as it may be, shows the morality and conscience given them by their Creator, whose image they reflect. The effects of the Fall are also on display as the unbeliever attempts to twist what is good for their own sinful purposes.
As God’s image bearers, every human has the truthfulness of the biblical worldview written on their hearts and hears the unceasing testimony of creation and conscience. Ultimately, the reason the nonbeliever doesn’t make the connection of his passion to the Bible is because he doesn’t want to (Romans 1:18–20, 2:14–16).
Although the secularist’s worldview can’t account for the real thing he loves, the Bible can. The good thing that resonates with him does exist. Just not in his worldview and not for his purpose. It exists in the only true reality, God’s reality. The nonbeliever either needs to stop stealing from the biblical worldview or get saved. We’re praying for the latter!